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Where Flowers Bloom So Does Hope - Free Hand Embroidery Pattern

Hannah Burbury

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

I hope you and your family have been keeping well during these uncertain times. I think we've all been thinking of ways we can help others during these times. So I thought I would put together a free embroidery design for everyone. It's only something small but hand embroidery is so relaxing and calming which is something that could be of great benefit, especially at the moment. Maybe you are looking to take up a new hobby, this pattern could be a great way to start hand embroidery.

All my designs are inspired by flowers so I researched into flowers which symbolise hope. I decided upon four flowers which I felt were most suitable and started drawing an embroidery design.

Ornithogalum, Iris Leucojum, Snowflake Forget-me-not

Star of Bethlehem.

Flower images sourced from:

"Where flowers bloom so does hope." - Lady Bird Johnson.

To download your free embroidery pattern please click here.

* Please note, the embroidery pattern is for personal use only. Please do not reproduce or sell the design, thank you.

Below I have put together a list of the materials you will need and a step-by-step photo tutorial.

What you will need:

· Fabric

· Free embroidery pattern printed on paper

· Hand sewing needle

· Embroidery threads

· Pen/pencil

· Scissors

· Embroidery hoop (I used a 5" embroidery hoop)

· Light box (optional)

· Felt (for the back of the embroidery hoop)

1. If you haven't already done so then you will need to print the pattern from the computer.

2. Choose some plain fabric that's suitable for hand embroidery. I have chosen a cotton fabric. Bear in mind the colour of the fabric, as this may determine the thread colours you use when you stitch the design. Also, if your fabric is too thick you may struggle to trace the embroidery design onto the fabric.

3. Next, cut your fabric down into a manageable size that you can easily work with it in the embroidery hoop.

4. Using a black fine line pen/biro, draw over the quote on the paper pattern. You may find that this step is not necessary, however, I struggled to see the writing through the fabric and found it much easier once I had drawn over the words first.

5. Then, using a light box put the paper pattern onto the screen, placing the fabric on top. Secure with small bits of tape. This will help to hold everything in place as you trace the pattern.

- If you don't have a light box then you can trace the pattern onto the fabric by holding it up to a window.

6. Turn the light box on and begin tracing the pattern. I used a Frixon pen but if you don't have one then you could try using a fine line pen or pencil. Just be careful the lines aren't too thick as they may show through your stitches. Using a Frixon pen is ideal as you can easily remove the lines after stitching with an iron.

7. Continue tracing until the whole pattern is complete.

8. Now you can put the fabric into your embroidery hoop and begin stitching. I started with the stems of the flowers and used green DMC embroidery thread - shade #3346 You can use any colour thread you wish, I have just added the thread shades for your reference.

9. I used four strands of embroidery thread and stitched the stems using back stitch. If you would like an tutorial on back stitch then please click here

10. Continue stitching until all the stems are complete.

11. After this, I started stitching the Leucojum, Snowflake flower. I used white DMC embroidery thread shade #B5200.

12. I used all six strands of thread and the satin stitch to stitch the flower petals. I started in the middle of the petal and then stitched one side, then the other.

13. Continue using the satin stitch on all the other snowflake flower petals.

14. Using the same method, start stitching the Star of Bethlehem flower petals.

15. Again, I used all six strands of embroidery thread and the satin stitch.

16. Continue this until all the Star of Bethlehem flowers have been stitched.

17. I then started stitching the Iris flower using purple DMC embroidery thread shade #333 I used all six strands of thread and used the satin stitch.

18. I stitched the bottom petals first, starting with the two outer petals and stitched the middle petal last.

19. I then stitched the top petals in the same way. The middle top petal isn't very wide so I only needed to use one stitch.

20. Using some yellow DMC thread, shade #444 I stitched the middles of the Iris petals. I used all six strands and a few straight stitches in the centre of the purple petals to create the look of an Iris.

21. The top petals only need one straight stitch per petal as they are smaller than the bottom petals.

22. Then using the same yellow thread I added some details to the Star of Bethlehem flowers. I used one straight stitch in the middle of each petal and finished the flower by stitching a French knot in the centre.

23. I then stitched the forget-me-not flowers using blue DMC thread, shade #809. I used four strands of embroidery thread and the lazy daisy stitch to stitch each of the petals.

24. After the flowers have been stitched I used yellow DMC thread, shade #444 to stitch the centre of the flowers. I used four strands of embroidery thread and a French knot to stitch the middle of the flowers.

25. Now all the flowers have been stitched it's time to move on to stitching the quote. I chose the same colour purple thread as the Iris to stitch the quote. However, you can choose which ever colour you would like.

26. I suggest using only two strands of embroidery thread, as the letters are quite small, so if you use more strands the harder it will be to read the quote. I used the back stitch and kept the stitches quite small, which again will help make the writing as clear as possible.

27. Once you have finished all of the embroidery and you are happy with how it looks it's time to remove the Frixon pen lines. Remove the fabric from the embroidery hoop. Using a warm iron, lightly iron the back of the fabric. Try to avoid using too much pressure on the fabric, as you don't want to effect the look of the stitching.

28. Keep turning the fabric over to check how you are doing and keep ironing if necessary. Once all the lines are removed you can put the fabric back into the embroidery hoop. Make sure you are happy with how the design is sitting in the embroidery hoop. Keep it fairly central and even. This will be the last time you can change the positioning of the fabric.

29. Once you are happy with the positioning you are now ready to finish the back of the hoop. Using scissors cut the excess fabric, leaving about 1 inch border of fabric around the hoop.

30. Turn the hoop over. Using all six strands of embroidery thread, thread the needle and bring through the top of the fabric border. Leave a tail of embroidery thread, roughly a few inches.

31. Now stitch a running stitch all the way round the edge of the fabric border. Keep your stitches fairly large.

32. Once you have stitched all the way round the fabric and have got back to your first stitch remove your needle from the thread. Take the two ends of embroidery thread and pull them so the fabric gathers together.

33. Tie a knot and cut the ends.

34. Place your embroidery hoop right side up on your felt and draw around the hoop using a pen. I have used a Frixon pen but this is not necessary.

35. Cut the circle out of the felt using scissors. After you have cut it out you will probably need to trim the circle so it fits just inside the wooden frame.

36. Then using a blanket stitch you will need to stitch the felt to the fabric. I used two strands of embroidery thread and chose a colour which blended into the felt.

37. Tie a small knot at the end of the thread. Bring the needle through the fabric first and then put the needle into the felt. This will secure the fabric and the felt together.

38. Then stitch the blanket stitch making sure you come through the fabric and the felt each time. Continue this all the way round the hoop.

39. Once you have come round to your first blanket stitch you can tie off your thread by going into the fabric a few times.

40. You have now finished your embroidery hoop!

I really do hope you enjoyed stitching this design. Please share with anyone you know who may enjoy this project. Also don't forget to send me photos of your finished embroidery either by leaving a comment below or through social media and don't forget to tag me in @hannahburburydesigns and use the hashtag #hannahburburydesigns

Look forward to seeing your photos.

Take care, stay safe & happy sewing!


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